전체 208

koreana 2021 Winter (Chinese)

The Korea Foundation | The Korea Foundation | 0원 구매
0 0 109 21 0 0 2022-02-04
Koreana is a full-color quarterly on Korean culture and arts, including traditional heritage as well as modern and contemporary activities. Each issue includes in-depth coverage of a selected theme, followed by an array of articles on artists and artisans, historic and cultural landmarks, natural attractions, reviews of stage performances and exhibitions, literary pieces, and t..

koreana 2021 Winter (Indonesian)

The Korea Foundation | The Korea Foundation | 0원 구매
0 0 124 18 0 0 2022-02-04
Koreana, diterbitkan empat kali setahun dalam edisi berwarna sejak tahun 1987, bertujuan meningkatkan kesadaran atas khazanah budaya Korea dan member informasi tentang kegiatan seni budaya Korea mutakhir. Dalam setiap edisi Koreana mengangkat tema budaya tertentu dan membicarakannya dari berbagai aspek, dan memperkenalkan seniman tradisi Korea, cara hidup, objek wisata alam, da..

koreana 2021 Winter (French)

The Korea Foundation | The Korea Foundation | 0원 구매
0 0 131 15 0 0 2022-02-04
Revue trimestrielle créée en 1987, « Koreana» a pour vocation de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance du patrimoine culturel coréen par la diffusion d’informations à caractère artistique et culturel. Au thème spécial dont traite chaque numéro en profondeur et sous différents angles, s’ajoute une présentation d’artisans traditionnels, d’aspects de la vie quotidienne et de sit..

koreana 2021 Winter (Spanish)

The Korea Foundation | The Korea Foundation | 0원 구매
0 0 112 17 0 1 2022-01-30
Koreana, revista trimestral a todo color publicada desde 1987, está dedicada a divulgar el patrimonio cultural de Corea y a ofrecer información sobre las últimas tendencias artísticas y culturales. Cada ejemplar ofrece un análisis en profundidad de varios aspectos de un tema específico y también presenta a los artesanos tradicionales, los estilos de vida y las atracciones natur..

koreana 2021 Winter (Arabic)

The Korea Foundation | The Korea Foundation | 0원 구매
0 0 91 17 0 0 2022-01-30
Koreana is a full-color quarterly on Korean culture and arts, including traditional heritage as well as modern and contemporary activities. Each issue includes in-depth coverage of a selected theme, followed by an array of articles on artists and artisans, historic and cultural landmarks, natural attractions, reviews of stage performances and exhibitions, literary pieces, and t..

koreana 2021 Winter (Japanese)

The Korea Foundation | The Korea Foundation | 0원 구매
0 0 93 17 0 0 2022-01-26
Koreana is a full-color quarterly on Korean culture and arts, including traditional heritage as well as modern and contemporary activities. Each issue includes in-depth coverage of a selected theme, followed by an array of articles on artists and artisans, historic and cultural landmarks, natural attractions, reviews of stage performances and exhibitions, literary pieces, and t..

koreana 2021 Winter (English)

The Korea Foundation | The Korea Foundation | 0원 구매
0 0 94 25 0 0 2022-01-24
Koreana is a full-color quarterly on Korean culture and arts, including traditional heritage as well as modern and contemporary activities. Each issue includes in-depth coverage of a selected theme, followed by an array of articles on artists and artisans, historic and cultural landmarks, natural attractions, reviews of stage performances and exhibitions, literary pieces, and t..

koreana 2021 Winter (German)

The Korea Foundation | The Korea Foundation | 0원 구매
0 0 107 16 0 0 2022-01-24
Die Vierteljahresschrift Koreana der Korea Foundation stellt seit ihrer ersten Ausgabe im Jahr 1987 die traditionelle Kultur Koreas und die verschiedenen Seiten der modernen Kultur und Kunst des Landes vor und trägt dazu bei, die Kenntnisse über Korea im Ausland zu erweitern und Interesse dafür zu wecken. Zu diesem Zweck wird für jede Ausgabe jeweils ein bestimmtes Thema gewähl..

koreana 2021 Winter (Russian)

The Korea Foundation | The Korea Foundation | 0원 구매
0 0 121 21 0 0 2022-01-24
Ежеквартальный журнал «Кoreana», первый номер которого вышел в свет в 1987 г., издаётся с целью распространения за рубежом достоверной и познавательной информации о культурном достоянии Кореи, о различных сторонах жизни корейского народа и современном корейском искусстве. Каждый номер журнала посвящается какой-либо специальной теме, но, кроме статей на специальную тему, в него ..

koreana 2021 Autumn (Arabic)

The Korea Foundation | The Korea Foundation | 0원 구매
0 0 97 16 0 0 2021-12-02
Koreana is a full-color quarterly on Korean culture and arts, including traditional heritage as well as modern and contemporary activities. Each issue includes in-depth coverage of a selected theme, followed by an array of articles on artists and artisans, historic and cultural landmarks, natural attractions, reviews of stage performances and exhibitions, literary pieces, and t..

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